Operation - Oversized Glass Unit Installation – London

One of the World’s leading Financial & Banking Groups contracted Glazing Refurbishment to undertake a very difficult oversized high-level glazing removal/replacement operation at their prestigious HQ Building located in the heart of London.

The GR in house Traffic Management Team were tasked in advance and at short notice to arrange the necessary road/pavement closures associated with this busy City Central London Location.

The GR Procurement Team were able to source and match (EXACTLY) the existing oversized double glazed units specification and configuration to include the coatings and body tints from our European specialist glass supplying Partners.

The GR delivery team were able to pick the new over-sized double glazed unit up from the dockside and transport safely to our London site via one of our dedicated specialist glass carrying vehicles.

A full contract lift utilising lorry mounted craneage, pneumatic glass suction lifters, with our in-house designed secondary glass lifting system in support was deployed with GR Rope Access Technicians working externally to guide the new glass unit safely into position.

Another oversized successful glass removal and replacement operation, undertaken by the GR Southern Commercial Glazing Refurbishment Teams – our thanks go out to all the GR involved Projects/Installation & Delivery/Access Teams – well done.

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